Teletalk number check, balance check and internet offer code

Teletalk number check, balance check and internet offer codes
Teletalk number check, balance check and internet offer codes

Teletalk number check, balance check and internet offer codes are available in this article. Do you want to know how to view teletalk numbers, MB offers, minutes offers and all about  codes? Then you have come to the right place. Below, clearly these issues are discussed separately in brief.

teletalk number check

There are three ways to view teletalk numbers, each method is briefly discussed below. You can check your teletalk number in any way that is acceptable to you. Then the ways to view teletalk numbers are discussed in three steps below-

Teletalk Number check (Step-One)

Nowadays, many people use dial code to find teletalk numbers. Sometimes problems arise in this case. It is better to say that this problem does not happen to everyone. So the way to see Teletalk number in the new rules is to see your Teletalk number by sending a message.

  • Go to message option
  •  Type an uppercase ”P”
  • Send to “154”.

Now a return message will come to your mobile and this message will show your mobile number.

Teletalk Number check (Step-Two)

To Teletalk Number check (step-two) I will tell you by dialing a three-digit code as below-

  • Go to mobile dial option
  • Type the code *551#
  • Press the on the dial button.

Now just wait few seconds and get your desired teletalk mobile number.

Teletalk Number check(Step-Three)

If the above two options don’t work for you or you don’t like it, then follow the way to view Teletalk Number check (step-three). This is a simple method.

  • Go to message option
  • Type “tar”
  • Send it to 222 no.

Now you will get your desired teletalk mobile number in the return message.

Teletalk MB offer

Teletalk MB Offer (Regular)

Teletalk MB offers are mainly of several types, among them the regular MB offers of Teletalk MB offer are listed first. Choose the best offer of your choice from this list.

1 GB21 Taka*111*534#3 days
1 GB27 taka*111*27#7 days
1 GB49 taka*111*49#30 days
2 GB93 taka*111*93#30 days
3 GB94 Taka*111*44#5 days
3 GB66 taka*111*66#10 days
10 GB97 taka*111*97#10 days
25 GB198 taka*111*198#10 days
30 GB344 taka*111*344#30 days
100 GB09 taka*111*501#05 days
500 MB26 taka*111*503#30 days
3 GP139 taka*111*531#30 days
3.5 GB78 taka*111*511#10 days
5 GB201 taka*111*532#30 days
10 GB239 taka*111*550#30 days
20 GB301 taka*111*552#30 days
15 GB229 taka*111*551#07 days
45 GB445 taka*111*445#30 days

Teletalk MB Offer (Bornomala)

You can choose the internet offer of your choice from bornomala Teletalk MB offer. Below is the chart of Alphabet Internet offer

InternetPrice        codesValidity
1GB24 taka*111*611#7 days
1GB46 taka*111*612#30 days
2GB83 taka*111*613#30 days
3GB62 taka*111*614#10 days
10 GB186 taka*111*616#30 days
5 GB96 taka*111*615#15 days

Teletalk MB Offer (agami)

You can easily take the offer of your choice from the agami Teletalk MB offer. Below is the list of upcoming internet offers

1GB22 taka*111*600#7 days
1 GB45 taka*111*601#30 days
2 জিবি81 taka*111*602#30 days
3 জিবি55 taka*111*603#10 days
5 জিবি91 taka*111*605#15 days
10 জিবি177 taka*111*610#30 days

Teletalk MB Offer Offer (Aparajita)

You can easily get the internet pack of your choice from Aparajita Teletalk MB offers. Teletalk Aparajita internet offers are presented in table form below.

1GB8 taka7 days*111*8#
2GB38 taka7 days*111*38#
2GB19 taka3 days*111*19#
10 GB156 taka15 days*111*156#

Teletalk minutes offer

Teletalk minutes offer(Regular)

Teletalk minute offer package can be used on any local number. Below is the list of Teletalk’s regular minute offers:

23 minute14 taka*111*14#3 days
53 minute32 taka *111*32#5 days
143 minute86 taka*111*86#7 days
477 minute287 taka*111*287#30 days

Also dial *111*287# to activate Teletalk 500 minutes offer. Or go to the message option and type “M287” and send it to 111.

Teletalk Minutes Offer (Smile)

Smile-Teletalk minutes offer has certain conditions

All prepaid and CnC customers are eligible for this bundle offer.

VAT, SD, SC included in bundle offer.

Customers can purchase the bundle pack multiple times.

After expiry, bundle minutes, internet and SMS cannot be used.

Below is the table of Smile-Teletalk minutes offer:

Smile  pack Price)validityActivation codes
12 minutes +15 SMS+50 MB10 taka3 days*111*101#
50 minutes + 50 SMS+500 MB50 taka5 days*111*102#
100 minutes +100  SMS+1GB100 taka 7 days*111*103#
Read more: টেলিটক নাম্বার দেখার উপায়, এমবি অফার, মিনিট অফার ও কোড সমুহ

Teletalk SIM all codes

Teletalk SMS Purchase Code

  You can choose the Teletalk SMS pack of your choice from the Teletalk SMS packs. Below is the Teletalk SMS pack presented in table form.

SMS packPriceValidityActivation codes
96 SMS 10 taka5 hours*111*10#
100 SMS10 taka5 days*111*10#
200 SMS5 taka3 days*111*5#

Teletalk Number Check Code

Dial *551# to check teletalk number. Teletalk number can be checked in two ways.

1 is by dialing code *551#

The other is to go to the message option and type ‘Tar’ and then send it to 222 number.

Teletalk Balance Check Code

To check teletalk number balance, dial *152# by dialing this code you can know your main balance very easily.

Teletalk Emergency Balance Code

To get teletalk emergency balance anytime dial *1122# and choose emergency balance of your choice up to Tk 10, 20, 30, and 50. Or go to the message option and write Loan and send it to the number 1122 (charge free).

Teletalk minutes check code

Dial this code *152# to check teletalk minutes. You can easily check teletalk minutes by dialing this code.

Teletalk MB Check Code

Dial this code *152# or *111# to check teletalk MB. You can see the MB of your phone by dialing these codes.

Teletalk offer code

Dial this code *111# to know Teletalk SIM offers. By dialing this code you can know about the offers of your SIM.

Check Teletalk free minutes

To check free minutes on Teletalk SIM dial *152#. By dialing this code you can check free minutes on your Teletalk SIM.

  Teletalk SMS Check Code

To Check Teletalk SMS Dial *152 #. Dial this code to see your Teletalk SIM SMS.

Teletalk Customer Care Number

Teletalk customer care number is 121. If you call the customer care on this number and present the problems of your Teletalk SIM, you will get the solution of the problem very quickly from the customer care. For contact Teletalk customer care center Click here.


what is Teletalk Customer Care Number

Teletalk customer care number is 121

What is Teletalk Number Check Code

Dial *551# to check teletalk number. Teletalk number can be checked in two ways.
1 is by dialing code *551#
The other is to go to the message option and type ‘Tar’ and then send it to 222 number.

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Ruhul Amin

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